Geoff MacCormack
A unique collection of photographs of David Bowie by his schoolfriend and fellow band member, Geoff MacCormack.
‘Just suppose your brilliant pal said: “Will you join my band (The Spiders From Mars) and come on tour? And would you mind awfully if we travelled 1 st class by sea to New York, and then sailed from Los Angeles to San Francisco, Canada, Hawaii, and on to Japan? And then, from Japan to Siberia, through Russia, on the Trans Siberian Express, to Moscow for the May Day Parade, Poland, East and West Germany, just in time for tea at the GeorgeV hotel in Paris? This followed by a relaxing holiday in Rome, just to chill out?”’
‘And then, just suppose, when you thought all the fun had finished, your brilliant pal said “Would you mind being a dog (Diamond), and coming back to New York on an even better ship, eating caviar every day and joining another band, then another band, helping out on a few albums (6), and generally hanging out and having the time of your life for a couple more years.’
‘Supposing all that happened…wouldn’t it be fantastic to have taken a photo or 2?’ GM